Kamo Kidzone Holiday Programme

Kamo Kidzone is based at Kamo Primary School, Three Mile Bush Road, Kamo, Whangarei.


The School Holiday Programme runs every day between 7.45am and 5.30pm.


The daily charge is $45.00 per day per child for WINZ subsidies or $42.00 non WINZ. ( incls gst.) This include afternoon tea, all materials for the days planned activities plus costs related to the days outings ie tickets and bus fares.

Payment is required at the time of enrolment to secure your child’s place in the programme. Fees are payable for days booked, irrespective of attendance. Our staff are rostered on prior to the holidays commencing so therefore they still have to be paid whether they are required or not due to cancellations. 

Payment may be made by cash, cheque or by internet banking to ASB 12 3093 0326061 00 .

 Kidzone charges irrespective of attendance as the staff are rostered on prior to the holidays. We have a ratio of 1:10 onsite and 1:8 offsite so therefore staff still have to be paid even though they may not be needed due to cancellations 🙂


Kamo Kidzone is a MSD approved OSCAR programme. Some families may be eligible to claim the Work and IncomeOSCAR subsidy. Please check the Work & Income website to see if you are eligible and contact Work & Income directly for more information.


All outings away from our home base have some level of risk however we thoroughly assess and manage all risks. You are welcome to view our policies and procedures that we follow.

We operate a ratio of 1 staff member to 8 children whilst away on trips and occasionally take more adults.

A designated supervisor is always in charge of the trip and is always contactable by mobile.

Risk and Safety Management Data, First Aid Kit, Enrolment Forms and Attendance Sheets are taken on all trips.


Please provide you child with lunch and a drink. Morning and afternoon tea are provided.

During the summer holiday programmes, children must provide a sunhat, and rash shirt or T-shirt for all swimming and water-based activities.

If your child brings a scooter, bike or skateboard to the programme please supply a helment. Kidzones takes no responsibility for children using the stated equipment unless it is a designated wheels day. 🙂

A full Policies and Procedures manual is available on site at all times.